Solicitation of Nominations for Appointment to the CDC/HRSA Advisory Committee on HIV, Viral Hepatitis and STD Prevention and Treatment (CHACHSPT)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is seeking nominations for membership on the CDC/HRSA Advisory Committee on HIV, Viral Hepatitis and STD Prevention and Treatment (CHACHSPT). The CHACHSPT consists of 18 experts in fields associated with public health; epidemiology; laboratory practice; immunology; infectious diseases; drug abuse; behavioral science; health education; healthcare delivery; state health programs; clinical care; preventive health; medical education; health services and clinical research; and healthcare financing, who are selected by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).

Nominations for membership on the CHACHSPT must be received no later than October 1, 2022.