The International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections (IUSTI World) was founded in 1923 and is the oldest international organization in the field. Its objective is the achievement of international cooperation in the control of sexually transmitted infections. IUSTI World has five Regions: Africa and MENA (Middle East and North Africa), Asia-Pacific, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, and North America. At the regional level, IUSTI endorses a dual leadership model: a Regional Chair, appointed by the Region, and a Regional Director, appointed by the IUSTI World Executive Committee. Regional Chairs and Directors have seats on the IUSTI World Executive Committee.

The Relationship of ASTDA to IUSTI-North America and IUSTI-Canada

ASTDA is an autonomous professional scientific organization, founded in 1948. ASTDA represents the North American Region of IUSTI. Until 2015, the North American Region of IUSTI was not formally organized. Instead, ASTDA had informally assumed the Regional IUSTI responsibilities with the ASTDA president functioning as the Regional Chair. While a North American Regional Director was also appointed by the IUSTI World Executive Committee, this person was not an automatic member of the ASTDA Board of Directors.

In 2015, a memorandum of understanding formalized the role of ASTDA as representing the North American Region of IUSTI. The memorandum of understanding also established that the President of ASTDA is simultaneously the IUSTI Regional Chair. The Regional Director of IUSTI was at this time defined as an ex-officio voting member of the ASTDA Board of Directors.

As of January 2018, persons who join ASTDA automatically gain membership to IUSTI World. “IUSTI North America-ASTDA” thus refers to ASTDA in its role as regional representative of IUSTI World. IUSTI World membership is a benefit of ASTDA membership.

In 2014, colleagues from Canada expressed interest to form IUSTI-Canada and developed a formal structure by which IUSTI Canada became an integrated organization within IUSTI-North America. Within IUSTI Regions, local/national branches may also be officially formed. As an example, IUSTI Russia and IUSTI Estonia – both within the IUSTI Europe Region – have been formally recognized.

In order to facilitate connection to IUSTI North America-ASTDA, an IUSTI Canada representative was added as an ex officio voting member of the ASTDA Board of Directors. IUSTI North America and IUSTI World membership is a benefit of IUSTI Canada membership. Members of IUSTI-Canada are also welcome to join ASTDA.

IUSTI North America Chair
Caroline Cameron

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