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Release of First-Ever Sexually Transmitted Infections National Strategic Plan


Release of First-Ever Sexually Transmitted Infections National Strategic Plan In December 2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released the first-ever STI National Strategic Plan (STI Plan). The STI Plan was developed through a robust process that included gathering feedback from stakeholders across health care and related fields. Partners throughout the federal government, as well as hundreds of non-federal stakeholders, including state, tribal, territorial, and local governments, researchers, health plans and

Release of First-Ever Sexually Transmitted Infections National Strategic Plan2021-07-21T02:38:17+00:00
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WHO Global STI Progress Report


The World Health Organization (WHO) Global progress report on HIV, viral hepatitis and sexually transmitted infections, 2021 report provides accountability for the three Global Health Sector Strategies (2016-2021) on HIV, Viral Hepatitis and STIs. The report assesses the impact, progress and gaps, and identifies actions to improve impact. The report describes WHO’s important contributions at regional and global level and identifies common actions across the three disease areas as well as gaps and priorities

WHO Global STI Progress Report2021-07-17T15:51:54+00:00
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ASTDA Board Member Receives King K. Holmes Endowed Professorship


ASTDA Board Member Receives King K. Holmes Endowed Professorship A member of ASTDA's board, Julie Dombrowski, has been named King K. Holmes Endowed Professor in STD and AIDS. Named after Dr. King Holmes, professor of medicine and global health, and founding chair of the Department of Global Health, this three-year rotating award recognizes and supports a faculty member with exceptional commitment to STD/HIV research and training. This year’s recipient, Dr. Julie Dombrowski, is an

ASTDA Board Member Receives King K. Holmes Endowed Professorship2020-10-12T21:36:54+00:00
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BASHH HIV Virtual Masterclass


The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) is offering new educational programs online and as webinar for the benefit of their colleagues working in the fields of sexually transmitted infections and sexual health. The first of these is the HIV Virtual Masterclass Lite. The masterclass is a new additional helping of the very popular HIV Masterclass, and will comprise four weekly webinars with medical updates on topics related to HIV from leading

BASHH HIV Virtual Masterclass2020-09-01T13:38:51+00:00
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Letter from the President—June 2020


Dear members of the American STD Association:I hope you are all doing well and have found a new rhythm to your daily lives that keeps you safe, productive and mentally well. I know it has been a struggle to find new processes for working and communicating, but hopefully we are all getting to a better place than we were two months ago! I wanted to share with you some updates on ASTDA activities that might

Letter from the President—June 20202020-06-03T21:23:11+00:00
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Letter from the President—August 2019


Letter from the President—August 2019 Greetings ASTDA Members! It has been a year since I took office as President and there are many important things going on with ASTDA that I want to share with you. As you are no doubt aware, there have been many changes in our working environment over the past year some of which are positive (e.g. additional funding support as a result of the End HIV Initiative) and some of

Letter from the President—August 20192019-08-21T20:45:45+00:00
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ASTDA to Host ISSTDR | IUSTI 2023 ASTDA/IUSTI-North America submitted a successful bid to host the 2023 combined ISSTDR/IUSTI World Congress. The Congress will be held in Chicago, July 24-27, 2023. Mark your calendar!

ASTDA to Host ISSTDR | IUSTI 20232021-07-17T18:55:17+00:00
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ASTDA Members Update – Summer 2017


ASTDA Members Update – Summer 2017 ASTDA Awards The 2017 ASTDA Awards were presented at a well-attended luncheon at the IUSTI/ISSTDR World Congress. Recipients were chosen from an outstanding group of nominees by the Awards Committee (Bobbie Van Der Pol, Anne Rompalo, Joan Chow, Lindley Barbee, Laura Bachman). Jo-Anne Dillon, PhD – Distinguished Career Award (Presented by Dr. Marc Steben) Dr. Dillon received a B.Sc. from the University of Toronto and an M.Sc. and Ph.D.

ASTDA Members Update – Summer 20172019-08-21T21:20:09+00:00
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